After 2025/02/05 SUPREME TOTO 6/58 Draw Result; The count of three balls group been drawn as below:
Draw 0 Times....Total: 6138 Groups
Draw 1 Times....Total: 9894 Groups
Draw 2 Times....Total: 7894 Groups
Draw 3 Times....Total: 4346 Groups
Draw 4 Times....Total: 1740 Groups
Draw 5 Times....Total: 634 Groups
Draw 6 Times....Total: 159 Groups
Draw 7 Times....Total: 36 Groups
Draw 8 Times....Total: 11 Groups
Draw 9 Times....Total: 4 Groups
Designate first three balls group use for been drawn Times;
Designate second three balls group use for been drawn Times;

About High Odds Lucky Number Generator:
SUPREME TOTO 6/58 numbers 1-58,if every three numbers as a group,the total combination can be expressed to 30856 groups,

After drawing, every single time can be crate to 20 groups three balls combination, then record them down.

For a long time, we can observe them been located in common regions!

This is not only high odds but also very statistical correct.