After 2025/02/05 UK Lotto Draw Result; The count of three balls group been drawn as below:
Draw 0 Times....Total: 17777 Groups
Draw 1 Times....Total: 10820 Groups
Draw 2 Times....Total: 3195 Groups
Draw 3 Times....Total: 616 Groups
Draw 4 Times....Total: 86 Groups
Draw 5 Times....Total: 12 Groups
Draw 6 Times....Total: 3 Groups
Designate first three balls group use for been drawn Times;
Designate second three balls group use for been drawn Times;

About High Odds Lucky Number Generator:
UK Lotto numbers 1-59,if every three numbers as a group,the total combination can be expressed to 32509 groups,

After drawing 6 balls, every single time can be crate to 20 groups three balls combination, then record them down.

For a long time, we can observe them been located in common regions!

This is not only high odds but also very statistical correct.

Analysis of data basic on UK Lotto format changed to 59 on 10/10/2015.